Mission & History

Mission Statement

We leverage technology to build bridges between scholarly research and the multidisciplinary professionals who need knowledge and skills to improve people’s lives. We are an international resource for trauma-informed professional development focused on improving safety, resilience, and well-being for individuals and families.

ITRS activities include:

  • Building online, interactive research-based training curricula. We augment the knowledge base on issues including supervised visitation, police and first responders' mental health, co-parenting, trauma-informed approaches across the lifespan, student-focused wellbeing, and child welfare;
  • Promoting effective policy and legislative solutions for reducing intimate partner violence and advocating for healthy individuals and families at all stages of life;
  • Collaborating with state, national, and international organizations to create collective multidisciplinary success and transformative change;
  • Mentoring students in a supportive environment and building their leadership skills that translate into workplace success;
  • Maintaining extensive online resources on ITRS projects.


The Institute was established as the Institute for Family Violence Studies with a gift from Howell Ferguson in the mid-1990s. Since the establishment of the Institute until her retirement in early 2006, the Founding Director, Sharon Maxwell Ferguson, worked on developing lasting relationships with a number of state, federal, and private entities.

Dr. Wendy Crook was appointed Director of the Institute for Family Violence Studies upon Dr. Maxwell’s retirement. Upon Dr. Crook’s retirement, Karen Oehme was appointed the Institute Director in 2007.

In 2024, the Institute was renamed the FSU Institute for Trauma and Resilience Studies. This change more accurately reflects the duality of our research in both maltreatment and wellbeing. The new name is also more closely aligned with the Institute's robust and multidisciplinary professional development portfolio on FSULearn.