List of Florida Supervised Visitation Programs

Florida’s Supervised Visitation Programs find creative ways to serve vulnerable families and children. Read our latest report here: Program Narratives 2024

Read the Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation Annual Report: Florida's Supervised Visitation Database Case and Client Statistical Analysis

The Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation provides a list of supervised visitation programs in Florida. This list is categorized by judicial circuit. Content is available here: Open SV Programs February 2025

The Clearinghouse also provides a list of additional services provided by visitation programs, including programs that use specific parent-education plans, programs that develop parenting plans, programs that provide mediation, and programs that offer neutral drop-off/pick-up (monitored exchange). This content is available here: 2025_2-AdditionalServicesListupdated.pdf

DCF is now providing a website,, for parents to find the most up to date information on Parent Education and Family Stabilization Courses offered in Florida.

Please note that Subsection 753.02(d), Florida Statutes, requires that the Clearinghouse compile a directory of Florida supervised visitation programs containing referral information. Because the Clearinghouse does not regulate these programs, this directory should not be construed to imply Clearinghouse endorsement of any specific program(s) listed herein.