
Book Resources

Here are a few of books that we have found helpful in our search for Christian resources and perspectives on domestic violence.

Web Resources

Below are web resources that we have found helpful in our search for Christian resources and perspectives on domestic violence. If you know of any other web resources that we may have missed please feel free to contact us and we will follow up about adding them to our list.

Keep your eyes open as we will continue to post more as we find them.

  • List of Florida Local Certified Domestic Violence Centers – This site provides a county by county list of the local certified domestic violence centers.
  • Christian Coalition Against Domestic Violence – The mission of the Christian Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to empower the Christian community by bringing awareness to the issue of domestic abuse in each community.
  • Christian Network Against Domestic Violence – The Christian Network Against Domestic Violence is an online organization working to address and end domestic violence in the Christian home through education, advocacy, and uniting those seeking to end domestic violence.
  • FOCUS Ministries – One of the primary goals for FOCUS Ministries is to educate and train churches, organizations, support group leaders, and concerned friends and family members about the dynamics of domestic violence and abusive relationships.
  • National Council of Churches – This site provides information about what the National Council of Churches is doing to educate and equip member churches in regard to the issue of domestic violence.
  • PASCH – Peace And Safety in the Christian Home – Peace And Safety in the Christian Home is a coalition of academics, professionals, clergy, and lay people who are seeking to end domestic violence and other forms of abuse in the Christian home.
  • Recovery from Abuse – Most of the material on this site began with lectures presented in a class entitled Pastoral Care and Abuse  at Fuller Theological Seminary. It is the kind of resource that all church leaders need. Much of the recommended readings from this site include books or articles from theological journals.
  • Safe Church Ministry – A ministry resource from the Christian Reformed Church; this site creates awareness of the various forms of abuse that affect all age groups. It encourages churches and communities to prevent abuse and respond justly and effectively following the disclosure of an incident of abuse.
  • The RAVE Project – The Religion and Violence E-Learning (RAVE) Project seeks to equip religious leaders to respond to domestic violence in ways that are compassionate, practical, and informed by the latest research and best-practices for professionals.
  • Domestic Violence Recovery – This article discusses how to choose the best domestic violence and sexual violence recovery centers, with information on definitions of abuse and tips for identifying recovery centers in specific geographical areas.